Personnel Information


KANO Kazuhiro

School of Theology
Research Fields, Keywords
宗教間対話, 組織神学, 近現代キリスト教思想
Teaching and Research Fields


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Graduating School 【 display / non-display

  • Graduating School:Doshisha University
    Faculty:Faculty of Theology

    Kind of school:University
    Date of graduation:1997.03
    Completion status:Advanced a year
    Country location code:Japan

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • Graduate school:Doshisha University
    Department:Graduate School, Division of Theology

    Course completed:Doctor's Course
    Date of completion:2009.03
    Completion status:Completed

  • Graduate school:Doshisha University
    Department:Graduate School, Division of Theology

    Course completed:Master's Course
    Date of completion:1999.03
    Completion status:Completed

Studying abroad experiences 【 display / non-display

  • Name of institution: Wuppertal University
    Name of job or career: Doctorate
    Date: 2011.10 - 2016.03

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Degree name:Doctor of Theology
    Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Religious studies
    Conferring institution:Doshisha University
    Acquisition way:Coursework
    Date of acquisition:2009.03

  • Degree name:Master of Arts in Theology
    Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Religious studies
    Conferring institution:Doshisha University
    Acquisition way:Coursework
    Date of acquisition:1999.03

Career 【 display / non-display

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:School of Theology
    Date:2021.04 -

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:School of Theology
    Title:Associate Professor
    Date:2016.04 - 2021.03

  • Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
    Department:School of Theology
    Title:Assistant Professor
    Date:2014.04 - 2016.03

  • Affiliation:Kobe College
    Date:2004.04 - 2011.03

Association Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • Academic society name:日本基督教学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:キリスト教史学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:日本シュライアマハー協会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:宗教哲学会
    Academic country located:Japan

  • Academic society name:日本ドイツ学会
    Academic country located:Japan

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Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Philosophy and ethics

  • Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Religious studies

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: The Uncertain Role of the Holy Spirit in Modern Protestantism
    Journal name: 神学研究  (70)  (p.2 - 16)
    Date of publication: 2023.03
    Author(s): KANO Kazuhiro

    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Religious studies, Humanities & Social Sciences / History of thought

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 「非教義的キリスト教」とは何か―アドルフ・フォン・ハルナックを中心に―
    Journal name: 神学研究  (68)  (p.41 - 52)
    Date of publication: 2021.03
    Author(s): 加納 和寛

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: "Capacity for Language" in Point of Contact: Emil Brunner on "Word"
    Journal name: 関西学院大学キリスト教と文化研究  (21)  (p.49 - 62)
    Date of publication: 2020.03
    Author(s): 加納 和寛

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: アドルフ・フォン・ハルナックのルター理解
    Journal name: 神学研究  (65)  (p.49 - 60)
    Date of publication: 2018.03
    Author(s): 加納 和寛

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: バルタザールの哲学観―現代の神学と哲学に関する一考察―
    Journal name: 関西学院大学キリスト教と文化研究  (18)  (p.55 - 74)
    Date of publication: 2017.03
    Author(s): 加納 和寛

    Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
    Co-author classification: Single Author

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: ことばの力 キリスト教史・神学・スピリチュアリティ
    Publisher: キリスト新聞社
    Date of publication: 2023.03
    Author(s): 加納 和寛

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Area of responsibility: 「神のことばを神学する――その展開および限界に関する一考察
    Authorship:Joint author

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  • Language: Japanese
    Title: キリスト教で読み解く世界の映画
    Publisher: キリスト新聞社
    Date of publication: 2023.01
    Author(s): 関西学院大学キリスト教と文化研究センター

    Type of books: General book
    Authorship:Joint editor

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: キリスト教文化事典
    Publisher: 丸善出版
    Date of publication: 2022.08
    Author(s): キリスト教文化事典編集委員会

    Type of books: Dictionary, encyclopedia
    Area of responsibility: 「国民国家の時代」「近代合理主義と啓蒙主義」(前半)

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 評伝 アドルフ・フォン・ハルナック
    Publisher: 関西学院大学出版会
    Date of publication: 2022.03
    Author(s): 加納 和寛

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Authorship:Sole translator

  • Language: Japanese
    Title: 苦しみと悪を神学する: 神義論入門
    Publisher: 教文館
    Date of publication: 2020.09
    Author(s): 加納 和寛

    Type of books: Scholarly book
    Authorship:Sole translator

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MISC 【 display / non-display

  • Language:Japanese
    Journal name:宗教哲学研究  (41)  (p.116 - 120)
    Date of publication:2024.03
    Author(s):加納 和寛

    Type of publication:Book review, literature introduction, etc.

  • Language:Japanese
    Journal name:日本の神学  (65)  (p.146 - 151)
    Date of publication:2022.09
    Author(s):加納 和寛

    Type of publication:Book review, literature introduction, etc.

  • Language:Japanese
    Journal name:週刊読書人
    Date of publication:2021.03
    Author(s):加納 和寛

    Type of publication:Book review, literature introduction, etc.

  • Language:Japanese
    Journal name:宗教哲学研究  (37)  (p.110 - 113)
    Date of publication:2020.03
    Author(s):加納 和寛

    Type of publication:Book review, literature introduction, etc.

  • Language:Japanese
    Journal name:日本の神学  (54)  (p.158 - 163)
    Date of publication:2015.09
    Author(s):加納 和寛

    Type of publication:Book review, literature introduction, etc.

Research Projects 【 display / non-display

  • Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
    Project year:2022.04 - 2026.03

Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:関西学院大学第450回神学研究会
    International/Domestic presentation:International presentation
    Holding date:2022.07
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:近代日本における「メディア宗教」の研究―大正期求道者たちの言説分析を中心に
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2022.01
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)
    Field of experts:Humanities & Social Sciences / Religious studies

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:関西学院大学キリスト教と文化研究センター研究プロジェクト「ことばの力」2019年度第2回研究会
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2019.10
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:神学研究会(第420回)
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2018.06
    Title:宗教改革500周年を振り返って -組織神学の観点より-
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)

  • Language:Japanese
    Conference name:2016年度日本基督教学会近畿支部会
    International/Domestic presentation:Domestic presentation
    Holding date:2017.03
    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)

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