Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Graduating School:Tohoku University
Faculty:Faculty of Engineering
Course / Major:Department of Applied Physics
Kind of school:University
Date of graduation:1990.03
Completion status:Graduated
Country location code:Japan
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Graduate school:Tohoku University
Department:Graduate School, Division of Engineering
Course:Department of Applied Physics
Course completed:Doctor's Course
Date of completion:1995.03
Completion status:Completed
Country:Japan -
Graduate school:Tohoku University
Department:Graduate School, Division of Engineering
Course:Department of Applied Physics
Course completed:Master's Course
Date of completion:1992.03
Completion status:Completed
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Degree name:博士(工学)
Classified degree field:Natural Science / Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems
Conferring institution:Tohoku University
Acquisition way:Coursework
Date of acquisition:1995.03 -
Degree name:修士(工学)
Classified degree field:Natural Science / Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems
Conferring institution:Tohoku University
Acquisition way:Coursework
Date of acquisition:1992.03 -
Degree name:工学士
Classified degree field:Natural Science / Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems
Conferring institution:Tohoku University
Acquisition way:Coursework
Date of acquisition:1990.03
Career 【 display / non-display 】
Affiliation:The University of Tokyo
Department:School of Science
Title:Research Assistant
Date:1995.04 - 2001.10 -
Affiliation:Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Department:School of Materials Science
Title:Associate Professor (as old post name)
Date:2001.11 - 2006.03 -
Affiliation:Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Department:School of Materials Science
Title:Associate Professor (as old post name)
Date:2006.04 - 2007.03 -
Affiliation:Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Department:School of Materials Science
Title:Associate Professor
Date:2007.04 - 2010.03 -
Affiliation:Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
Department:Materials Structure Group I, Research and Utilization Division
Title:Chief Scientist, Group Leader
Date:2010.04 - 2013.04
Association Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Academic society name:The Physical Society of Japan
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:The Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:The Crystallographic Society of Japan
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:The Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society
Academic country located:Japan
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Research field:Nanotechnology/Materials / Applied physical properties
Research field:Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Electric and electronic materials
Research field:Nanotechnology/Materials / Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties
Research field:Nanotechnology/Materials / Energy chemistry
Research field:Energy Engineering / Quantum beam science
Research Career 【 display / non-display 】
Research subject: Study on Oxide Semiconductors
Periods of research: 2014.04 -
Classification of research form:Collaboration in Japan
Research program:The Other Research Programs
Research subject: Development of Organosulfur Polymers for Cathode Materials of Lithium Ion Batteries
Periods of research: 2001.04 -
Classification of research form:Collaboration in Japan
Research program:The Other Research Programs
Research subject: Application of Synchrotron Radiation Analysis for Materials Science
Periods of research: 1995.04 -
Keyword in research subject:Advanced Synchrotron Radiation Analysis
Classification of research form:Collaboration in Japan
Research program:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research subject: Study on Properties and Device Application of Nano-carbon Materials
Periods of research: 1995.04 -
Keyword in research subject:Carbon Nanotubes, Fullerenes
Classification of research form:Collaboration in Japan
Research program:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research subject: Study on Superconductivity
Periods of research: 1990.04 -
Field of experts:Natural Science / Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems
Classification of research form:Collaboration in Japan
Research program:The Other Research Programs
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Language: English
Title: Electrochemical and spectroscopic properties of dithiobiuret-based cathode materials for lithium ion batteries
Journal name: The Proceedings of The 4th International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Devices – IWAMD 2023 (p.183 - 186)
Date of publication: 2024.06
Author(s): T. Nishigaki, Y. Miki, H. Arayama, A. Saito, R. Miyasaka, S. Shigeto, H. Uemachi, A. FujiwaraType of publication: Research paper (international conference proceedings)
Language: English
Title: Semiconductor–metal transition in Bi2Se3 caused by impurity doping
Journal name: Sci. Rep. vol.13 (1) (p.537 - )
Date of publication: 2023.01
Author(s): T. Uchiyama, H. Goto, E. Uesugi, A. Takai, L. Zhi, A. Miura, S. Hamao, R. Eguchi, H. Ota, K. Sugimoto, A. Fujiwara, F. Matsui, K. Kimura, K. Hayashi, T. Ueno, K. Kobayashi, J. Akimitsu, Y. KubozonoDOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-27701-5
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Language: English
Title: Charge Transport Capabilities of Dibenzo[n]phenacenes (n = 5-7): Influence of Trap States and Molecular Packing
Journal name: J. Phys. Chem. C vol.126 (44) (p.18849 - 18854)
Date of publication: 2022.10
Author(s): Y. Zhang, S. Hamao, H. Goto, Y. Kubozono, H. Okamoto, K. Sugimoto, N. Yasuda, A. Fujiwara, R. EguchiDOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c04879
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship
Language: English
Title: Fabrication and Characterization of Thin-Film ZnO/Cu-O Heterostructure Prepared by Spin Coating Technique
Journal name: Materials Science Forum vol.1055 (p.13 - 17)
Date of publication: 2022.03
Author(s): K. Nakata, K. Hirabayashi, A. FujiwaraDOI: 10.4028/p-6tqfz2
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship
Language: English
Title: Elimination of Oxygen Defects in In-Si-O Film and Thin Film Transistor Performance
Journal name: Solid State Phenomena vol.324 (p.81 - 86)
Date of publication: 2021.09
Author(s): E. K. Palupi, A. FujiwaraDOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.324.81
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship
Field of experts:Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Electron device and electronic equipment, Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Electric and electronic materials
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Language: Japanese
Title: 導電性ポリマー材の高機能化と用途開発最前線
Publisher: 株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス
Date of publication: 2014.06
Author(s): 増永啓康,藤原明比古,佐々木孝彦
Type of books: Scholarly book
Authorship:Joint author
Language: Japanese
Title: CSJ Current Review 14「放射光が拓く科学の現在と未来:物質科学にイノベーションをもたらす光」
Publisher: 化学同人
Date of publication: 2014.01
Author(s): 佐々木園,藤原明比古
Type of books: Scholarly book
Authorship:Joint author
Language: Japanese
Title: PEDOTの材料物性とデバイス応用
Publisher: サイエンス&テクノロジー株式会社
Date of publication: 2012.03
Author(s): 高野琢,増永啓康,藤原明比古,奥崎秀典,佐々木孝彦
Type of books: Scholarly book
Authorship:Joint author
Language: Japanese
Title: カーボンナノチューブ・グラフェンハンドブック
Publisher: 株式会社コロナ社
Date of publication: 2011.09
Author(s): 藤原明比古
Type of books: Scholarly book
Authorship:Sole author
Language: Japanese
Title: カーボンナノチューブ・グラフェンハンドブック
Publisher: 株式会社コロナ社
Date of publication: 2011.09
Author(s): 藤原明比古
Type of books: Scholarly book
Authorship:Sole author
MISC 【 display / non-display 】
Journal name:工業材料 vol.63 (p.23 - 28)
Date of publication:2015.04
Author(s):本間優太、佐々木孝彦、増永啓康、藤原明比古Type of publication:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
Journal name:X線分析の進歩 vol.45 (p.317 - 325)
Date of publication:2014.03
Author(s):牧野泰希、吉岡剛志、百崎賢二郎、辻笑子、野口直樹、西脇芳典、橋本敬、本多定男、二宮利男、藤原明比古、高田昌樹、早川慎二郎Type of publication:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
Journal name:日本結晶学会誌 vol.56 (1) (p.49 - 53)
Date of publication:2014.02
Author(s):杉本邦久、藤原明比古、上町裕史、前川雅彦Type of publication:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
Journal name:日本結晶学会誌 vol.55 (6) (p.356 - 361)
Date of publication:2013.12
Author(s):小原真司、藤原明比古、増野敦信、臼杵毅Type of publication:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
Journal name:日本結晶学会誌 vol.55 (2) (p.142 - 147)
Date of publication:2013.04
Author(s):谷垣勝己、藤原明比古、杉本邦久、田中宏志、高田昌樹Type of publication:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
Works 【 display / non-display 】
Work title: 新聞報道「特殊ガラス開発へ道筋」北國新聞(社会32面)
Date:2014.12Work type:Other
Work title: 新聞報道「ガラスにならない液体:原子構造を解明」日刊工業新聞(科学技術・大学13面)
Date:2014.12Work type:Other
Work title: 新聞報道「見えたガラスの構造」
Date:2013.05Work type:Other
Work title: 新聞報道「ガラスの形成しやすさ解明:カゴ状構造が決め手」化学工業日報(1面)
Date:2013.05Work type:Other
Work title: 新聞報道「酸化物ガラス形成しやすさ:環状構造が起因」日刊工業新聞(科学技術・大学29面)
Date:2013.05Work type:Other
Other research activities 【 display / non-display 】
Date:2014.12Classification of research achievement:Other
Date:2014.12Classification of research achievement:Other
Date:2013.05Classification of research achievement:Other
Date:2013.05Classification of research achievement:Other
Date:2013.05Classification of research achievement:Other
Research Projects 【 display / non-display 】
Research category:挑戦的研究(萌芽)
Project year:2024.06 - 2027.03
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
Project year:2021.04 - 2025.03
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project year:2018.04 - 2021.03
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project year:2018.04 - 2021.03
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
Project year:2012.04 - 2015.03
Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 【 display / non-display 】
Institution name:The University of Tokyo -
Institution name:The University of Tokyo -
Institution name:Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -
Institution name:Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -
Institution name:Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Organization name:SPring-8ユーザー協同体(SPRUC)
Committee name:評議員
Date:2019.04 - 2021.03 -
Organization name:SPring-8 Users Community (SPRUC)
Committee name:評議員
Date:2019.04 - 2021.03 -
Organization name:Executive Committee of International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences
Committee name:Technical committee of 2019 the 3rd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences (ICMENS 2019) (Hiroshima, Japan)
Date:2019.03 -
Organization name:SPring-8 Users Community (SPRUC)
Committee name:庶務幹事
Date:2018.04 - 2020.03 -
Organization name:SPring-8 Users Community (SPRUC)
Committee name:評議員
Date:2017.04 - 2019.03