研究:タンパク質はアミノ酸が連なった1本の鎖状高分子である。生理条件下では自発的にタンパク質は折りたたみ、独自の立体構造を形成する。タンパク質は立体構造を形成して初めて機能を有するが、どのように折りたたむのか解明されていない。この「タンパク質の折りたたみ問題 ”Folding Problem”」について多角的に研究を行っている。
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Degree name:博士(理学)
Classified degree field:Natural Science / Biophysics, chemical physics and soft matter physics
Conferring institution:Kwansei Gakuin University
Acquisition way:Thesis
Date of acquisition:1998.02 -
Degree name:理学修士
Classified degree field:Natural Science / Biophysics, chemical physics and soft matter physics
Conferring institution:Kwansei Gakuin University
Acquisition way:Coursework
Date of acquisition:1992.03
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Research field:Natural Science / Biophysics, chemical physics and soft matter physics
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Language: English
Title: Glycerol-enhanced detection of a preferential structure latent in unstructured 1SS-variants of lysozyme.
Journal name: Biopolymers vol.97 (p.539 - 549)
Date of publication: 2012
Author(s): Noda, Y., Narama, K., Kasai, K., Tachibana, H., and Segawa, S.Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship
Language: English
Title: NMR and CD analysis of an intermediate state in the thermal unfolding process of mouse lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase.
Journal name: J Biochem. vol.151 (p.335 - 342)
Date of publication: 2012
Author(s): Miyamoto, Y., Noda, Y., Iida, T., Yamaguchi, K., Nishimura, S., Tanaka, A., Segawa, S., and Inui, T.Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship
Language: English
Title: NMR Analysis of a Kinetically Trapped Intermediate of a Disulfide-Deficient Mutant of the Starch-Binding Domain of Glucoamylase
Journal name: Journal of Molecular Biology vol.412 (p.304 - 315)
Date of publication: 2011
Author(s): Sugimoto, H., Noda, Y., and Segawa, S.Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship
Language: English
Title: Glycerol-Induced Folding of Unstructured Disulfide-Deficient Lysozyme into a Native-Like Conformation
Journal name: Biopolymers vol.91 (p.665 - 675)
Date of publication: 2009
Author(s): Sakamoto, K., Hirai, K., Kitamura, Y., Yamazaki, K., Yusa, M., Tokunaga, N., Doi, G., Noda, Y., Tachibana, H., and Segawa, S.Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship
Language: English
Title: The Confirmation of the Denatured Structure of Pyrrolidone Carboxyl Peptidase under Nondenaturing Conditions: Difference in Helix Propensity of Two Synthetic Peptides with Single Amino Acid Substitution
Journal name: Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics vol.71 (p.737 - 742)
Date of publication: 2008
Author(s): Umezaki, T., Iimura, S., Noda, Y., Segawa, S., and Yutani, K.Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship