Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Graduating School:Shinshu University
Faculty:Faculty of Agriculture
Kind of school:University
Date of graduation:2008.03
Completion status:Graduated
Country location code:Japan
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Graduate school:Shinshu University
Course completed:Doctor's Course
Date of completion:2012.09
Completion status:Completed
Country:Japan -
Graduate school:Shinshu University
Department:Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
Course completed:Master's Course
Date of completion:2010.03
Completion status:Completed
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Degree name:博士(農学)
Classified degree field:Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Conservation of biological resources
Conferring institution:Shinshu University
Acquisition way:Coursework
Date of acquisition:2012.09
Career 【 display / non-display 】
Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
Department:School of Education
Title:Assistant Professor
Date:2021.04 - -
Affiliation:Teikyo University of Science & Technology
Title:Assistant Professor
Date:2016.04 - 2021.03 -
Affiliation:Shinshu University
Title:Assistant Professor
Date:2013.04 - 2015.03
Association Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Academic society name:信州昆虫学会
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:日本環境教育学会
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:日本環境動物昆虫学会
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:日本鱗翅学会
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:日本昆虫学会
Academic country located:Japan
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Science education
Research field:Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Conservation of biological resources
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Title: 絶滅危惧種のチョウを用いた環境教育の可能性
Journal name: 生物の科学遺伝 vol.76 (p.135 - 139)
Date of publication: 2022
Author(s): Koda Keiko -
Language: Japanese
Title: 絶滅危惧種オオルリシジミの幼児向け環境教育教材の開発
Journal name: 環境教育
Date of publication: 2021.04
Author(s): 江田慧子、新家智子、木場有紀Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship
Language: Japanese
Title: コロナ禍の大学におけるオンライン授業の実践報告
Journal name: 帝京科学大学教育・教職研究
Date of publication: 2021.03
Author(s): 吉村日出東、石橋裕子、神谷純子、平田敦義、江田慧子Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship
Language: Japanese
Title: アルプスあづみの公園における卵寄生蜂によるオオルリシジミ卵への寄生について―2018・2019年の調査結果―
Journal name: New Entomologist
Date of publication: 2020.04
Author(s): 江田慧子、中村寛志Type of publication: Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship
Language: Japanese
Title: 絶滅危惧種ミヤマシジミの保全活動と高齢者の精神と健康の関係について
Journal name: New Entomologist
Date of publication: 2019
Author(s): 江田慧子、中村寛志Type of publication: Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Language: Japanese
Title: 環境Eco選書 チョウの分布拡大
Publisher: 北隆館
Date of publication: 2016.10
Author(s): 江田慧子、中村寛志
Type of books: General book
Authorship:Joint author
Language: Japanese
Title: 山岳科学ブックレット9 山に登った虫たち-山岳昆虫の多様性と保全-
Publisher: 出版社オフィスエム
Date of publication: 2012.03
Author(s): 中村寛志、藤野裕、別府桂、江田慧子、山根仁
Type of books: General book
Authorship:Joint author
Language: Japanese
Title: 科学絵本ちょうちょのりりぃ-オオルリシジミのおはなし-
Publisher: 出版社オフィスエム
Date of publication: 2011.09
Author(s): 江田慧子、さくらい史門
Type of books: General book
Authorship:Joint author
Language: Japanese
Title: 山岳科学ブックレット7 蝶からのメッセージ-地球環境を見つめよう-
Publisher: 出版社オフィスエム
Date of publication: 2011.03
Author(s): 中村寛志、江田慧子
Type of books: General book
Research Projects 【 display / non-display 】
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B)
Project year:2014.04 - 2018.03
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
Project year:2011.04 - 2012.09