Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Degree name:Doctor of Philosophy (Education)
Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Education on school subjects and primary/secondary education
Acquisition way:Thesis
Date of acquisition:2023.08 -
Degree name:Master of Science, Education/TESOL
Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Foreign language education
Conferring institution:Temple University
Acquisition way:Coursework
Date of acquisition:2013.08 -
Degree name:Bachelor of Science, Mathematics
Classified degree field:Mathematics
Conferring institution:University of Mary Washington
Acquisition way:Coursework
Date of acquisition:2006.05
Career 【 display / non-display 】
Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
Title:Associate Professor
Date:2024.04 - -
Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
Department:School of Education
Title:Associate Professor
Date:2021.04 - -
Affiliation:Osaka Jogakuin College
Title:Associate Professor
Date:2020.04 - 2021.03 -
Affiliation:Osaka Jogakuin College
Title:Assistant Professor
Date:2016.04 - 2020.03 -
Affiliation:Momoyama Gakuin University
Title:Instructor of English as a Foreign Language
Date:2014.04 - 2016.03
Association Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Academic society name:JALT Vocabulary SIG
Academic country located:Japan
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Foreign language education
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Language: English
Title: The vocabulary of extensive reading: A corpus analysis of graded readers
Date of publication: 2024.08
Author(s): Kramer, B.Type of publication: Doctoral thesis
Title: 'The wisdom of crowds': When teacher judgments outperform word-frequency as a predictor of students' vocabulary knowledge
Date of publication: 2023.06
Author(s): Robles-Garcia Pablo, Stewart Jeffrey, Nicklin Christopher, Vitta Joseph P., McLean Stuart, Kramer BrandonDOI: 10.1177/13621688231176067
Title: The Counts of Dracula and Monte Cristo: Homonym Frequencies in Graded Readers
Journal name: READING IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE vol.35 (1) (p.48 - 71)
Date of publication: 2023.04
Author(s): Parent Kevin, Momoyama Stuart McLean, Kramer Brandon, Kim Young Ae -
Title: Modeling personality antecedents and second language self-efficacy constructs with emerging adults in Japan: Domain-specific matching for assessing global competence in applied contexts
Journal name: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY vol.13
Date of publication: 2022.12
Author(s): Kabir Russell Sarwar, Kramer Brandon, Koike Mayu, Sponseller Aaron C.DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1032573
Language: English
Title: Validating word lists that represent learner knowledge in EFL contexts: The impact of the definition of word and the choice of source corpora
Journal name: System vol.106 (p.1 - 14)
Date of publication: 2022.03
Author(s): Pinchbeck G. G., Brown D., McLean S., & Kramer B.DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2022.102771
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Multiple Authorship
Research Projects 【 display / non-display 】
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
Project year:2021.04 - 2026.03
Title:Investigating the intercultural development of Japanese undergraduates attributable to study tours abroad
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Project year:2019.04 - 2022.03
Title:The effects of deliberate learning with digital flashcards on the implicit knowledge of visual and aural word forms: A lexical decision task study