Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Degree name:博士(学術)
Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics
Conferring institution:Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Acquisition way:Coursework
Date of acquisition:2005.10
Career 【 display / non-display 】
Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
Department:Center for International Education and Cooperation
Date:2023.04 - -
Affiliation:Kanda University of International Studies
Date:2008.04 - 2023.03
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Area studies
Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics
Research keywords:Canadian Studies
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Language: Japanese
Title: Quebec’s Charter of the French Language in Transition: Towards a Language Policy of “Eternal Watchfulness”
Journal name: The Annual Review of Canadian Studies (42) (p.17 - 39)
Date of publication: 2022.09
Author(s): Norie YazuType of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Language: Japanese
Title: Situation linguistique au Québec plus de 40 ans après l’adoption de la Charte de la langue française : point de vue de l’aménagement linguistique
Journal name: Revue japonaises des études Québécoises (14) (p.24 - 46)
Date of publication: 2022.09
Author(s): Norie YazuType of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Language: Japanese
Title: Common Features of Asian Englishes as seen in the s as seen in the KANDA×TUFS English Modules: Indian, Philippines, Singapore and Malaysian
Journal name: 言語教育研究 (32) (p.72 - 91)
Date of publication: 2021.11
Author(s): Yasushi Sekiya, Norie YazuType of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Language: Japanese
Title: Social and Cultural Features of Asian Englishes as seen in the KANDA×TUFS English Modules: Emphasis on the Indian, Philippine and Malaysian Versions
Journal name: Research and Development of CEFR Proficiency Description Methods with special consideration for linguistic types and socio-cultural diversity of Asian Languages :Final Report 2018-2020 (p.99 - 113)
Date of publication: 2021.03
Author(s): Norie YazuType of publication: Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)
Title: Pronunciation Features of Indian English as Described in the KANDA×TUFS English Modules
Journal name: Studies in Linguistics and Language Teaching (30) (p.99 - 133)
Date of publication: 2020.03
Author(s): Yasushi Sekiya, Norie YazuType of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Title: 56 Chapters to Know about Quebec
Publisher: Akashi Shoten
Date of publication: 2023.12
Author(s): Norie Yazu, Taro Oishi et als.
Area of responsibility: 編集代表、分担執筆「11.統計にみる民族的・宗教的多様性」「30.フランス語憲章」「31.ケベック州フランス語局」「32.言語的多様性とケベック州民の言語使用」
Authorship:Joint editor
Language: Japanese
Title: 現代カナダを知るための60章
Publisher: 明石書店
Date of publication: 2021.03
Author(s): 日本カナダ学会編(担当:共編、分担執筆「7.統計にみる民族的・言語的多様性」「36.ケベック問題」「50.カナダの公用語政策」「51.カナダ英語」「コラム2.カナダに花咲く日本文化」)
Type of books: General book
Title: World Englishes that People don’t know
Publisher: ALC
Date of publication: 2020.09
Author(s): Norie Yazu
Authorship:Sole author
Language: Japanese
Title: Les variétés du français parlé dans l’espace francophone
Publisher: Sanseido
Date of publication: 2019.02
Author(s): Sylvain Detey, Jacuques Durand, Bernard Laks, Chantal Lyche Kawaguchi, Norie Yazu, Hisae Akihiro, Kaori Sugiyama
Type of books: Scholarly book
Area of responsibility: Partie VI. L’Afrique et les DROM, Partie VII. L’Amérique du Nord
Authorship:Joint translator
Language: Japanese
Title: 知っておきたい環太平洋の言語と文化
Publisher: 神田外語大学出版局
Date of publication: 2016
Type of books: General book
Area of responsibility: カナダ
MISC 【 display / non-display 】
Title:World Englishes that People don’t know
Journal name:English Journal vol.1, 2020, ALC
Date of publication:2019.12
Author(s):Norie Yazu -
Title:La politique linguistique du Québec (Canada)
Journal name:Bulletin d'études de linguistique Française vol.53 (p.133 - 136)
Date of publication:2019.09
Author(s):Norie YazuType of publication:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)
Journal name:The Canada-Japan Society Newsletter 85th Anniversary vol.60 (p.10 - 14)
Date of publication:2015.11
Works 【 display / non-display 】
Work title: Welsh English Module
Date:2022.06Work type:Educational material
Work title: Scottish English Module (dialog)
Date:2022.03Work type:Educational material
Work title: Malaysian English Module (dialog)
Date:2021.03Work type:Educational material
Work title: Philippine English Module (dialog)
Date:2020.03Work type:Educational material
Work title: Indian English Module (dialog)
Date:2019.02Work type:Educational material
Research Projects 【 display / non-display 】
Research category:基盤研究B
Project year:2020.04 - 2024.03
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
Project year:2018.04 - 2022.03
Title:Web-based Educational Pedagogy for the Development of Communication Skills to Accommodate Varieties of English
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion for Science
System name:kiban B
Project year:2018.04 - 2021.03
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
System name:科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
Project year:2015.04 - 2018.03
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
System name:科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 課題番号:15H03224
Project year:2012.04 - 2016.03
Title:Development of English Conversation Modules based on Sociolinguistic Research
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion for Science
System name:kiban B
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Conference name:Congrès annuel 2022 de La Société Japonaise de Didactique du Français
Presentation date:2022.06.11
Title:L’engagement actif au Québec pour la diffusion de la Rédaction épicène
Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)
Conference name:JSPS kiban B #20H01279 workshop (Leader: Yuji Kawaguchi)
Presentation date:2021.12.19
Title:Peculiarity of the Asian versions of the TUFS-KANDA English modules
Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)
Conference name:JALT International Conference 2021
Presentation date:2021.11.13
Title:Acclimating Japanese learners of English to some Asian English accents through the use of the KANDA-TUFS World Englishes Modules
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Conference name:La société japonaise de langue et littérature françaises
Presentation date:2021.05.23
Title:L’écriture inclusive du français au Québec
Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)
Conference name:Joint workshop of JACS and AJEQ
Presentation date:2021.03.28
Title:The Charter of the French Language and Language Shift in Quebec (2012-2020)
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Organization name:Cross-Cultural College (CCC), Kwansei Gakuin University,
Committee name:Rector
Organization name:Japanese Association for Canadian Studies (JACS)
Committee name:President
Organization name:Cross-Cultural College (CCC), Kwansei Gakuin University,
Committee name:Chief Academic Director
Organization name:International Council for Canadian Studies,
Committee name:Official Director (Japan)
Organization name:Japanese Association for Canadian Studies,
Committee name:Vice President