KINDA Shigehiro
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Degree name:博士(教育学)
Classified degree field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational psychology
Conferring institution:Kyoto University
Acquisition way:Coursework
Date of acquisition:2006.05
Career 【 display / non-display 】
Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
Department:School of Education
Date:2023.04 - -
Affiliation:Kwansei Gakuin University
Department:School of Education Department of Education
Title:Associate Professor
Date:2013.04 - 2023.03
Association Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Academic society name:日本教育心理学会
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:日本心理学会
Academic country located:Japan -
Academic society name:日本認知科学会
Academic country located:Japan
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Research field:Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational psychology
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Language: English
Title: Comparing judgements of educational desirability between learner and instructor roles with low or high proficiency
Journal name: British Journal of Educational Psychology
Date of publication: 2023.06
Author(s): KINDA ShigehiroType of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Single Author
Language: Japanese
Title: 教授者の課題知識と学習過程知識が教授学習法の望ましさ判断に及ぼす影響
Journal name: 教育心理学研究
Date of publication: 2022.12
Author(s): 金田茂裕Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Single Author
Language: Japanese
Title: 教授者の探究期待バイアス
Journal name: 教育心理学研究
Date of publication: 2017.09
Author(s): 金田茂裕Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Single Author
Language: English
Title: Generating scenarios of division as sharing and grouping: A study of Japanese elementary and university students
Journal name: Mathematical Thinking and Learning
Date of publication: 2013.06
Author(s): KINDA ShigehiroType of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Single Author
Language: English
Title: Generating scenarios of addition and subtraction: A study of Japanese university students
Journal name: Journal of Mathematical Behavior
Date of publication: 2013.06
Author(s): KINDA ShigehiroType of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Co-author classification: Single Author
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Language: Japanese
Title: 児童期の発達 高見 茂・田中耕治・矢野智司(監修)教職教養講座 第9巻 発達と学習(子安増生・明和政子編著)pp. 91-109.
Publisher: 協同出版
Date of publication: 2017.12
Author(s): 金田茂裕
Type of books: Textbook, survey, introduction
Language: Japanese
Title: 教授法と学習効果 子安増生・楠見孝・齊藤智・野村理朗(編著) 教育認知心理学の展望 pp.209-221.
Publisher: ナカニシヤ出版
Date of publication: 2016.03
Author(s): 金田茂裕
Type of books: Textbook, survey, introduction
Language: Japanese
Title: 数の物語表現と知識
Publisher: ナカニシヤ出版
Date of publication: 2016.02
Author(s): 金田茂裕
Type of books: Scholarly book
Authorship:Sole author
Language: Japanese
Title: 伝統的大学の個性を生かしたバース・スパ大学のPGCEプログラムと職能開発の評価法 宮崎英憲・東洋大学往還型教育チーム(編著) 変革期にあるヨーロッパの教員養成と教育実習 pp.158-168.
Publisher: 東洋館
Date of publication: 2012.01
Author(s): 金田茂裕
Type of books: Textbook, survey, introduction
Language: Japanese
Title: 児童の複数解を求める数的思考に関する研究
Publisher: ナカニシヤ出版
Date of publication: 2009.01
Author(s): 金田茂裕
Type of books: Scholarly book
Authorship:Sole author
Research Projects 【 display / non-display 】
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results / Scientific Literature
Project year:2015.04 - 2016.03