

ストリンガー T.


言語教育研究センター 英語常勤講師
Language learner autonomy, Language learner development, Professional development for language teachers, Self-Access Language Learning, TESOL
Thomas Stringer has been involved with English language teaching in Japan for 16 years. He is a doctoral student in TESOL at the University of St Andrews, UK, a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, and a full-time Instructor of English as a Foreign Language at the Language Center of Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan. He is currently Administrative Intern at Professional Development in Education journal, and co-editor of the Annual Research Report of the Language Center and the forthcoming St Andrews Journal of International and Language Education. His research interests are broadly on language learner and teacher development, with a particular focus on autonomy, and his work has appeared in peer-reviewed international journals such as Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Educational Action Research, and Learning: Research and Practice.
Thomas Stringer
SDGs 関連ゴール

出身大学 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 学校名:The University of York
    学部(学系)名:Faculty of Philosophy


出身大学院 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 学校名:University College London- Institute of Education


学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 学位名:MA(TESOL)
    分野名:人文・社会 / 言語学
    授与機関名:University College London

経歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 所属:関西学院大学
    年月:2021年09月 ~ 継続中

  • 所属:甲南大学
    部署名:Institute for Language and Culture
    年月:2017年04月 ~ 2021年08月

所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 所属学協会名:JALT- Osaka Chapter

  • 所属学協会名:JASAL

研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 研究分野:人文・社会 / 外国語教育

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 記述言語:英語
    タイトル:A conceptual framework for Emergent Language Learner Autonomy – a complexity perspective for action research
    誌名:Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching  (頁 1 ~ 13)



  • 記述言語:英語
    タイトル:Synthesisability and optimising exploratory action research for continuing professional development
    誌名:Educational Action Research  (頁 1 ~ 18)
    著者:Thomas Stringer



  • 記述言語:英語
    タイトル:A protocol for a qualitative synthesis of practitioner research of language learner autonomy in Japan
    誌名:International Database of Education Systematic Reviews  (頁 1 ~ 8)
    著者:Thomas Stringer, Eoin Jordan

    担当部分:Lead Author


  • 記述言語:英語
    タイトル:The Role of Metacognition in Mindfulness Interventions with Japanese EFL University Students.
    誌名:Learning: Research and Practice
    著者:Thomas Stringer, Kathy Looney



  • 記述言語:英語
    タイトル:The Utilization of Artificial Intelligence at the Kwansei Gakuin University Language Center : Instructor Suggestions for Enhancing Teaching and Learning
    誌名:Annual Research Report of the Language Center  27巻  (頁 3 ~ 34)
    著者:Stringer, Thomas; Townsend-Nakai, Leon; Gamble, Craig; Wilkins, Michael



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受賞 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 賞名:St Leonard's College Postgraduate Travel Award
    授与機関:St Leonard's College

講演・口頭発表等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 記述言語:英語
    会議名:Second Language Teacher Education: Inspiring Creativity, Cultivating Excellence (SLTED 2024)
    開催地:Masaryk University, Brno
    タイトル:Unveiling language teacher learning: professional growth through autoethnography.


  • 記述言語:英語
    会議名:The 4th Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE 2024 )
    開催地:Chiang Mai University
    タイトル:Synthesisability: Empowering Teachers, Promoting Research


  • 記述言語:英語
    会議名:JALT International Conference: Growth Mindset in Language Education
    開催地:Tsukuba International Congress Center
    タイトル:Learner Autonomy: A Castle on Conceptual Sand


  • 記述言語:英語
    会議名:20th Technology for Second Language Learning (TSLL) Conference: Advancing Technologies — Expanding Research
    タイトル:Empowering EFL Learners and Teachers: Harnessing AI for Writing Instruction


  • 記述言語:英語
    会議名:University of St Andrews, International Education Institute, Brown Bag Brunch Sessions
    タイトル:Building a Language Learner Autonomy Research Portal: Trials and Triumphs


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担当授業科目(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 履修年度:2024年度(西暦)


    授業科目名:Culture and Society


  • 履修年度:2024年度(西暦)


    授業科目名:Language and Communication


  • 履修年度:2024年度(西暦)


    授業科目名:Skills-based English(Speaking & Listening)


  • 履修年度:2024年度(西暦)


    授業科目名:Skills-based English(Speaking & Listening)


  • 履修年度:2024年度(西暦)


    授業科目名:Skills-based English(Speaking & Listening)


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作成した教科書、教材、参考書 【 表示 / 非表示

  • タイトル:How does language learner autonomy emerge where we are?
    活動期間:2024年07月 ~ 2024年08月

委員歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 団体名:Professional Development in Education (Journal)
    委員名:Administrative Intern
    年月:2024年02月 ~ 継続中

社会貢献活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • タイトル:Guest Judge- Osaka Prefectural High School Speech Contest

  • タイトル:Guest Lecturer- イギリスを理解するための重要な関係

メディア報道 【 表示 / 非表示

  • タイトル:Beyond The Abstracts: Learning Processes as Learning Contents

    概要:Beyond The Abstracts: Learning Processes as Learning Contents - Lienhard Legenhausen (December 2024, Episode 13)

    In this episode of Beyond the Abstracts I speak with Lienhard Legenhausen. Lienhard is professor emeritus of Language Pedagogy at the University of Münster, Germany. He underwent teacher training in the late sixties to become a teacher of English. After a short teaching period at a German Gymnasium (grammar school) he accepted a post at the Institute of Linguistics in Stuttgart. The title of his PhD thesis was Error Analysis and Error Evaluation the data basis of which included 26 000 errors made in so-called Abitursarbeiten (A-level exams). In 1975 he became a professor of English Linguistics at the University of Düsseldorf where he stayed till 1992. From 1992 onwards up to his retirement in 2006 he worked at the University of Münster where he was responsible for Language Pedagogy (Sprachlehr- und Sprachlernforschung). After his retirement he was invited as a visiting professor to the National Bohdan Chmelnitzkij University in Ukraine. For twelve consecutive years he taught linguistic and methodology courses there in the Spring Terms.

    His research interests include English linguistics, the study of learner language, technology-enhanced language learning as well as learner- centred approaches to classroom learning/teaching. In the late 80s and early 90s he conducted various research projects on The Computer in Foreign Language Learning with Dieter Wolff, which were funded by the German Research Foundation. He also started the LAALE project (Language Acquisition in an Autonomous Learning Environment) together with Leni Dam, in which they systematically observed the linguistic development of a class of Danish mixed ability learners who were taught according to the principles of autonomous language learning over a period of four years.

    And now, here is my conversation with Lienhard Legenhausen:

    We begin by talking about Lienhard’s own academic background and how he first came into contact with Leni Dam’s autonomy classroom. We then turn to our key question – does autonomy work? Lienhard is convinced, and to that end, we discuss the evidence presented in chapters 5 and 6 of Language Learner Autonomy: Theory, Practice and Research (2017) by David Little, Leni Dam and Lienhard Legenhausen. He gives a detailed overview of the LAALE project, explaining the rationale for its research design. We discuss the evidence presented: improvements in vocabulary and grammatical acquisition, growth in pragmatic competence, and finally the reliability of learners’ self-assessments. Addressing the evidence in turn, Lienhard concludes that the implicit gains in the Danish autonomy classroom outstripped those made under explicit instruction in the German classroom. Their own learning processes were made the content of their learning. As a counterpoint to the statistical evidence, we also cover case studies of two learners. Dennis and Susan, facing challenges with behaviour and dyslexia respectively, but who bloomed in the inclusive, peer-supportive environment of the autonomy classroom in the LAALE project. We also cover the role of teacher reflection with logbooks, technology in the classroom, among other topics. The conversation will interest those in the research evidence behind the autonomy classroom.

    Learn More:

    English Linguistics:

    (1972) (with E. König). Englische Syntax I. Komplexe Sätze. Frankfurt/M.: Fischer Athenäum
    (1985). "Die SF/EF-Distribution in englischen Rundfunkreportagen". In: Hüllen, W./Schulze, R. (eds.) (1985). Tempus, Zeit und Text. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, pp. 117-135.
    (1988). "Lexical causatives and transitional relations to non-causatives". In: Klegraf, J./Nehls, D. (eds.) (1988). Essays on the English Language and Applied Linguistics. Heidelberg: Groos, pp. 131-146.
    (1989). "Grammatical fuzziness im Englischen". Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 14. 73- 88.
    (1997). "Metaphorical and metonymic extensions of lexical phrases with hand -
    linguistic analyses and didactic implications ." In: Dow, J.R. / Wolff, M. (eds.). Languages and Lives - Essays in Honor of Werner Enninger. New York: Lang, pp. 241-253.

    Computer-assisted language learning (CALL):

    (1990). (with D. Wolff). "CALL in use - use of CALL: Evaluating CALL software". System 18. 1-13.
    (1990). (with L. Dam / D. Wolff). "Text production in the foreign language classroom and the word processor." System 18. 325-334.
    (1991). (with D. Wolff) "Zur Arbeit mit Konkordanzen im Englischunterricht." Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht 25. 24-29
    (1995). (with A. Eck / D. Wolff). Telekommunikation und Fremdsprachenunterricht:
    Informationen, Projekte, Ergebnisse. Bochum: AKS-Verlag.

    Learner Languages / Autonomous Language Learning:

    (1991). "Code-switching in learners' discourse." International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 29. 61-73.
    (1996). "The identification of over- and underrepresentation in learner languages through
    frequency lists and concordancing." In: Rüschoff, B. / Wolff, D. (eds.). Technology-enhanced Language learning in Theory and Practice. Szombathely: Balogh & Co, pp. 222-238.
    (1996). (with L. Dam). “The acquisition of vocabulary in an autonomous language learning
    environment - the first months of beginning English.” In: Pemberton, R. et al. (ed.). Taking Control - Autonomy in Language Learning. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, pp. 265-280.
    (1999). "Language acquisition without grammar instruction? - The evidence from an autonomous classroom." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses (RCEI) 38. 63-76. (2000). “Principles of authenticity and the autonomous classroom.” In: Plag, I, / Schneider,
    K.-P. (eds.) Language Use, Language Acquisition and Language History. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, pp. 200-212.
    (2001). "Discourse behaviour in an autonomous learning environment." AILA Review 15. 65 - 69.
    (2009). "Autonomous language learning." In: Knapp, K. / Seidlhofer, B. (eds.). Handbook
    of Applied Linguistics. Vol. 6: Foreign Language Communication and Learning. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 373 - 400.
    (2010). (with L. Dam). "Testing versus evaluation in autonomous language learning."
    In: Paran, A. / Sercu, L. (eds.). Testing the Untestable in Language Education. Oxford: Multilingual Matters, pp. 120-139.
    (2017). (with D. Little & L. Dam) Language Learner Autonomy. Theory, Practice and Research. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
    (2018). “Learner Autonomy as a response to the challenges of educational inclusion.” In: Schwienhorst, K. (ed.) Learner Autonomy in Second Language Pedagogy and Research: Challenges and Issues. Hong Kong: Candlin & Mynard ePublishing, pp. 29-49. Also: IATEFL: Canterbury, UK. (E-book from Amazon and Kindle).
    (2019). “The development of a dyslexic learner in the autonomy classroom – A case study.” In: Burkert, A. / Dam, L. / Ludwig, Ch. (eds.). The Answer is Learner Autonomy: Issues in Language Teaching and Learning. Hong Kong: Candlin & Mynard ePublishing, pp.118-134. Also: Canterbury: IATEFL e-Book; pp. 95-108.


  • タイトル:Beyond The Abstracts: Rethinking Language Teaching

    概要:In this episode of Beyond the Abstracts I speak with Professor David Little. David Little is a Fellow Emeritus of Trinity College Dublin and was director of the College’s Centre for Language and Communication Studies from 1979 to 2005. His principal research interests are the theory and practice of learner autonomy in language education, the management of linguistic diversity in schools and classrooms, and the use of the CEFR to support the design of L2 curricula, learning programmes and assessment. David has published more than 70 articles and book chapters and authored/co-authored/edited several books on language learner autonomy. Starting in 1998, he played a leading role in the development and implementation of the ELP(European Language Portfolio) at national and European levels. From 2000 to 2008 he was non-stipendiary director of Integrate Ireland Language and Training, a not-for-profit campus company that was funded by the Irish government to provide intensive English language courses for adult refugees and to support the teaching and learning of English as an Additional Language in Irish schools. And now, here is my conversation with David Little

    In this wide-ranging conversation we cover David’s own experiences learning French and German with the grammar-translation method, and his early encounters with self-access learning in the 1970’s. We then turn to our main focus - his 2022 paper Language learner autonomy: Rethinking language teaching. David reveals what it was like to attend Leni Dam’s seminar in 1985, and the roles of the dialogic classroom community, endless written and spoken production in the target language, learner control of learning and resource creation, reflection and self-expression, and evaluation in promoting language learner autonomy. David strongly affirms the importance of enacting this wholistic pedagogical choice in language classrooms. We also discuss relations to the principles of competence and relatedness in Self-Determination Theory. Lastly, we turn to David’s work in Ireland, with refugee, deaf, and EAL learners, and also Council of Europe projects on the ELP and plurilingualism. He explains how these long-term endeavours have deepened and confirmed his understanding of language learner autonomy, also describing desirable changes at the systemic level including to teacher education. Finally, David offers encouragement and advice to budding educational researchers – to engage in longitudinal projects that provide value to people above all else.

    Learn More:

    - Little, D. (2022). Language learner autonomy: Rethinking language teaching. Language Teaching, 55(1), 64–73. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444820000488
    - Little, D., Dam, L., & Legenhausen, L. (2017). Language Learner Autonomy: Theory, Practice and Research. Multilingual Matters. https://doi.org/doi:10.21832/9781783098606
    - Little, D., & Kirwan, D. (2019). Engaging with linguistic diversity: A study of educational inclusion in an Irish primary school. Bloomsbury Publishing. https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/engaging-with-linguistic-diversity-9781350072046/
    - The European Language Portfolio (ELP). http://www.coe.int/portfolio
    - The Romani–Plurilingual Policy Experimentation. https://www.coe.int/en/web/language-policy/romani


  • タイトル:Beyond The Abstracts: Language Teacher Autonomy in Action

    概要:In this episode of Beyond the Abstracts I spoke with Leni Dam. From 1973 till 2007, Leni Dam practised language learner autonomy in her own English classes at a Danish comprehensive school near Copenhagen. From 1979 she was in addition employed by University College, Copenhagen, doing INSET and being in charge of innovative, pedagogic projects at school level. She has thus been personally involved in reforming language learning and teaching, not only for school children, but also for immigrants and refugees. Her specific interests are language learner autonomy and related issues such as evaluation, differentiation and inclusion. Together with Lienhard Legenhausen, Germany, she carried out the LAALE research project (Language Acquisition in an Autonomous Learning Environment) from 1992-1996. From 1993-1999, she was co-convenor of the AILA Learner Autonomy in Language Learning Scientific Commission, and from 2008-2016 she was co-coordinator of the IATEFL Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group. She has published widely. Especially her first book (Dam 1995) and her latest one together with David Little and Lienhard Legenhausen (2017) are landmarks in her publications. After her retirement in 2007, she has continued to publish, to give talks and to run work-shops - in this way continuing to increase her insights into the development of language learner autonomy and its related areas. And now, here is my conversation with Leni Dam.

    In this conversation we cover chapter eight of her 2017 work dealing with autonomy for language teachers. We first discuss Leni’s idea of the autonomy classroom, the role of the teacher as action researcher within it, and why teacher training should be conducted in the target language. We also cover how early- or later-career teachers can be supported in developing their learners’ autonomy, and advice for teachers on working with required textbooks or curricula. Finally, Leni introduces the rationale and scalability of the three-part lesson structure recommended in the book, among other topics. This conversation is likely to be directly useful for language teachers or researchers alike.

    Learn more:
    Little, D., Dam, L., & Legenhausen, L. (2017). Language Learner Autonomy: Theory, Practice and Research. Multilingual Matters. https://doi.org/doi:10.21832/9781783098606


  • タイトル:Episode 22 - Your curiosity drives your research journey

    概要:In this episode of Scholarly Peers, host Sin-Wang engages with doctoral student Thomas Stringer from the University of St. Andrews. They discuss Thomas's multifaceted identity as a language lecturer and researcher, his doctoral journey, and the motivations behind his publications. The conversation delves into the peer review process, the challenges of academic writing, and Thomas's new role as a co-editor for an in-house journal. The episode concludes with advice for early-career researchers, emphasising the importance of curiosity and experimentation in academia


  • タイトル:Beyond The Abstracts: Professional Curiosity

    概要:n this Beyond The Abstracts conversation I speak with Sarah Mercer. Sarah is a Professor for Foreign Language Teaching and the Head of the ELT Research and Methodology Department at the University of Graz. Her research interests lie in all aspects of language learning psychology (teacher and learner perspectives), in particular in self-related constructs, engagement, agency, affect, belief systems, and wellbeing. In her research, she prefers to employ qualitatively oriented approaches, and she has a special interest in dynamic systems and ecological theory. Her current research explores teacher psychology, pre-service teacher identity development, socio-emotional intelligence, wellbeing, positive language education as well as interdisciplinary approaches to self.

    We discuss Sarah’s new article about professional development in language teaching. She first shares her journey from language learner, to teacher, to professor. Sarah emphasizes her strong passion for teaching, highlighting key mentors from her career. The core of our discussion then revolves around professional curiosity among language teachers. Sarah explains that curiosity drives professional development and varies among individuals. We cover details of teacher psychology and autonomy underlying this curiosity. Teachers’ choosing their professional learning paths enhances motivation and effectiveness. We conclude by reflecting on the need to study teacher educators themselves.

    Learn more:

    Mercer, S., & Pawlak, M. (2024). Language teacher professional curiosity: Understanding the drive for professional development. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 1–28. https://doi.org/10.14746/ssllt.39293
    Mercer, S. (2021). An agenda for well-being in ELT: an ecological perspective. ELT Journal, 75(1), 14–21. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccaa062
    Sulis, G., Mercer, S., Mairitsch, A., Babic, S., & Shin, S. (2021). Pre-service language teacher wellbeing as a complex dynamic system. System, 103, 102642. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2021.102642


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学術貢献活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • タイトル:Peer reviewer for Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (Scopus and SSCI indexed journal)
    年月:2023年06月 ~ 継続中



  • タイトル:Creator- Language Learner Autonomy Research Portal (website)
    年月:2023年05月 ~ 継続中

    概要:Hi! I’m Thomas Stringer, and this page has empowering resources for learners, teachers, and researchers on language learner autonomy.


  • タイトル:Peer reviewer for Learning: Research and Practice (Scopus indexed journal)
    年月:2022年07月 ~ 継続中



  • タイトル:Peer reviewer for ‘SAJILE’ (St Andrews Journal of International and Language Education)
    年月:2024年10月 ~ 継続中

  • タイトル:Peer reviewer for ‘Annual Research Report’ (in house journal, KGU Language Center)
    年月:2021年11月 ~ 継続中